IRCICA : Research Institute on software and hardware devices for information and Advanced communication, is a Service and Research unit (USR-3380) associating the CNRS and Universy of Lille.

Based on a hotel for projects structure IRCICA develops since 10 years a multidisciplinary research to imagine and create responsible technologies for information and communication.

The way of working of IRCICA enables to gather in a same building researchers (CNRS or university) with complementary knowledge and competence to face the great scientific and society challenges with complementary approaches and/or interdisciplinary co-design since the beginning of the projects.

4 research items are considered:



IRCICA hosts about 125 searchers (from CNRS and university), PhD students, engineers and technicians coming from the 4 partners laboratories CRIStAL, IEMN, L2EP and PhLAM

IRCICA is supervised by

 IRICIA is a Research and Service Unit (USR) under the supervison of

Partner Laboratories

Our researchers are coming from our 4 partners