Team leader forewords

Research in 2XS team is focused on defining new system architectures or new languages to allow fast development of reliable embedded software. The team addresses issues concerning memory footprint, energy consumption and security. The team takes profit of proficiencies in formal verification, hardware/software co-design and operating system architectures to tackle the aforementioned issues.

Gilles Grimaud, Professor at University of Lille

More information : CRIStAL 2XS webpage on CRIStAL website

Permanents members 1


Permanent members 2Title
Gilles GrimaudProfessor (leader)
Pierre GrauxAssociate professor
Michaël HauspieAssociate professor
Samuel HymAssociate professor
Julien Iguchi-CartignyAssociate professor
David NowakResearch scientist
Thomas VantroysAssociate professor



Permanent members 3